Prayer Request & Prayer Wall

How can we be praying for you this week? Pray for other requests here.

One of the best things about being a part of a church family is that you don't have to do life alone. If you have a prayer request or an answer to prayer that you'd like to share with us, simply share it with us below, and we'll be praying for you this week.

Prayers Requests Submitted:


Ha-young Shin

Please pray that the following verses will come true for me, as the one who said it intended, regardless of the meaning I discovered or people's various interpretations : ”Then the Lord your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your children, so that you will love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your being, and thus you will live. -Deuteronomy“ ”If someone loves me, he will keep my word; and we will come to him and make our home with him.- John” ”Plead with the Lord of the Harvest that he speed workers out to gather in his harvest. - Luke” ‭‭”The Lord’s plan will prevail.-Proverbs“ ‭


Lou Ann Marie Wolford

Al Rine is at home in Hospice Care.


Fred Watts

I haven't had meaningful work since November 1. I do have a Part Time job now, that doesn't pay the bills. The Lord gave me a great interview with a company that was interested in my skillset. That was 3 wees ago tomorrow and I have not heard back from them. I pray that the Lord has a position in mind for me that is in His best interest. Where he can use me to be a light somehow.


Linda Blair

Pray for someone close to me that I am able to get them into church. A loved one of mine. Also for our pastor he has a rough road ahead of him and he is so special to our church.


Ruth Church

I'm asking for prayer for my son's Uncle speedy he is a sick man he's been swelling really big they're going to take biopsies from him and see what's going on I pray for his soul I'm asking for a prayer for his healing too thank you


Deb Trimble

Please keep in prayer my niece Shiela, her family and her mother Julie, they both need healing from God.


Ruth Church

Resting for prayer for myself we'll have to take myself over to the hospital and get checked I've been throwing up since this morning and a Severe pains in my stomach it chills and it's yellow so I think I need to get checked out please pray for me


Ruth Church

Please pray for my nice Livvy they are taking her to Riverside they got to do an operation she's got blood clots in her chest she's having bad pains in her chest and they found blood clots so the doctors has got to go in and help her please pray for her it's done when a Donna's children

**Up date Livvy in cate lab has blood clots in her lungs and her leg so they went in they're going in and see what they could do thank you for all your prayers and everything keep praying cuz she's in she's in there now they don't want to put her to sleep while they're doing this cuz she might crash