CTK Abide Academy

Your Faith Based Homeschool Partner

CTK Abide Academy

Abide Academy is your local homeschooling partner, providing a safe and faith-based environment where your child can learn and collaborate with peers! With options like core subject group learning, biblical studies, and fun-filled electives, our passionate educators are ready to foster a love of learning and a strong foundation in Christ.

Join us at Abide Academy, where we live out the vision of John 15:4-5, nurturing students to abide in Christ and flourish in both faith and academics. 

A Hybrid Homeschooling Experience

Homeschooling isn’t a one-size-fits-all form of education, and your co-op shouldn’t be either!

Join us on campus Tuesdays and Wednesdays during the traditional school year, while continuing homeschooling at home for the rest of the week! This hybrid model provides the perfect blend of structured group learning and personalized homeschooling, ensuring that your child benefits from the strengths of both settings. By joining us for on-campus sessions twice a week, students engage in collaborative learning, hands-on activities, and specialized electives, while still enjoying the flexibility and individualized instruction that homeschooling offers.

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Core Subject Group Learning

Parents have the option to enroll students in grade-level, structured classes, for two days each week, and then parents utilize the curriculum and lesson plans at home for core subjects like math, science, history, and language arts.* While on campus, we strategically introduce group work and projects, all while partnering with you to support the child's growth and progress.

*Curriculum for classes is provided through ‘The Good & The Beautiful’

Biblical Studies & Electives

Our Biblical Studies sessions are designed to help students build a strong foundation in their faith through engaging and interactive lessons.

Alongside Biblical Studies, students can participate in our exhaustive list of electives to include art, PE, drama, communication, nature studies, life skills and so much more! These electives provide opportunities for students to explore their interests and develop new skills in a supportive, Christ-centered environment and build lasting friendships along the way.

About Us

  • We are a non-denominational Bible believing body. We believe the Bible is without error and given to men by God as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write.                                     
  • We believe in the Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Ghost and that we are saved through faith in Jesus Christ. "...for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12 KJV                                                                                                     
  • We believe that education is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also about character formation and personal growth. We believe that every student is unique and has their own gifts, talents, and learning styles, and it is our mission to provide an education that meets each student's individual needs and helps them reach their full potential.                                                 
  • We believe in the importance of a strong faith foundation and integrating biblical principles into every aspect of our curriculum.                                                              
  • We believe in instilling in our students a passion for serving God, serving others, and making a positive impact in the world.                                                                  
  • We believe in the importance of continually building one another up in love, and creating a compelling offer of education that enhances each family and student we partner with.

Have questions? Email our staff at abideacademy.info@gmail.com